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Posts tagged “curio of curiosities

2010 AAU Spring Show

The results are in and I successfully got two out of three pieces in. I am excited and also thrilled because I have also received the award for Best in Metal Arts and Jewelry: 2nd Place.

You can view my winning piece here

The other piece that got in is titled explorations of an audiophile.
Photos will be up soon!

Curio of Curiosities

Curio of Curiosities is my take on the Cabinet of Curiosities. Exploring this idea was only natural after discovering my bad habit of collecting, really it is borderline hoarding. I have made and taken things that are interesting and intriguing to me and put them together in a dollhouse like curio or set of frames.

Once this set was complete I noticed that most if not all of these pieces can stand alone and really signify more than just the objects selected for each piece. They symbolize transitions and happenings over the last year of my school and personal experiences.

It is a goal of mine to photograph this series as a whole as well as separately and create a book including the meaning of each piece. Hopefully I will be able to obtain this goal over the summer.

Enjoy my progress photos and wish me luck! Spring show jurying happens tomorrow morning!

getting ready for the jury. all the pieces are waxed in place and awaiting judgement!

this is a detailed image of my piece, curio of curiosities. my favorite piece from this panel is the ring found in center. it is made of sterling silver, wood, bird skulls, and a steel cage.

this is a detailed image of my piece, curio of curiosities. my favorite piece in this panel is the bunny brooch that is in the center. it is constructed from a toy tin plate, sterling silver, enamel, copper mesh and nickel silver

this is a detailed image of my piece, curio of curiosities. my favorite piece from this panel is found in the upper left hand corner. it is a piece i had previously made this semester entitled archways. it is constructed from a glass vial, cubic zirconia, sterling silver, copper, bark and moss

these are two of my favorite pieces in this jewelry installation. they are fabricated from a tin tea set that i found at an antique shop in downtown pomona, ca. i have altered them by cutting the tin and adding elements such as sterling silver wire, enameled copper, sewing pins, and a pin back.